Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice

1:18 AM

 My last photo set works. It was Saturday and Sunday.

You know, they say girls were made of sugar, spice, and everything nice.

I wish I were made of them, but I'm more like adventure, fine beers and no fear.

I never intended to be something in this world whether it is successful, rich, or whatsoever. Five years ago my definition of success is buying a Gucci bag before 25. I did. Did I feel successful? Not at all.

I work my ass of since I was 13 because I don't wanna grow up poor, and my definition of poor is forced to take decisions that I don't want to because of financial problem. For example: going to cheaper school that I hate, riding the cheaper car that I'm ashamed of, or never travelled anywhere for the sake of next semester's tuition fee. I start teaching when I was 13. Selling EO services. Online shop. Until eventually I become a freelance graphic designer at the fourth semester until now.

And this is my fault, this is the truest definition of greed.

After my fourth semester I went to college while working and guess how many clients I'm dealing with along with 23 SCUs that semester : 7

7 Clients up my butt 7 days a week 24 hours a day

Result: uncontrollable weight gain, no social life, alcohol and cigs as best friend.
Am I proud? no. Where are my friends? Idk. My bank account: secure. My insecurity level: up in the sky.

As I grow older I realise things that makes me happy doesn't always costly 
(although I'd rather cry in a Manolo than H&M shoes)

But it's more about the time that I can't take back. The relationships that I can't fix. The tiredness that never ends. The stress level and bad health that took too long to cure. And believe me honey, I might be only 22 but I've been there done that.

So please, if you're not suppose to work yet, don't. If your parents can afford you, don't work your ass off. 
If you wanna be successful, go to school, took more classes. Took language classes, make up classes (I'll write mine soon!), do shop with your friends, travel, eat food, and spend time with your friends as much as you could.
You'll regret working for the price tag because they'll go on sale, but your time worth so much more!

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  1. Lalaaaa, glad to see you on the blogging world. I love your writing! It's just so, so "you" haha. Oh, also, where is that place from the first photo? I am looking for a place to take picture for my thesis project :D

    I read your blog from my phone before and it seems that some of your pictures are kind of stretched on the phone. but on pc, everything is good. and one more thing, the font size, a bit of my opinion I think it is a bit too small to be read :)

    Anyhow, looking forward to hear about the makeup class you took! :D

    filicia | Candy After Dinner


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